Online, 24 lutego: Medycyna ratunkowa w Ukrainie. Konferencja

Serdecznie zachęcamy do wzięcia udziału w zdalnej konferencji, prowadzonej z bazy w Połtawie, nt. medycyny ratunkowej i pilnej pomocy medycznej!

Pełna informacja dostępna poniżej.


ІІІ All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation


February 24, 2023
(type of event: remote conference)

Dear colleagues!

In accordance with the “Register of Congresses, Symposia, Scientific and Practical Conferences and Plenums to be Held in 2023” approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, we have the honor to invite you to participate in the 3rd All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Emergency and urgent care in Ukraine: organizational, legal, clinical aspects”, which will take place on the basis of the Poltava State Medical University (Poltava)

February 24, 2023.

The topics of the conference:

  • Peculiarities of the provision of medical aid in the conditions of martial law. The operation of the emergency medical care system in Ukraine during the war-time.
  • Tactical medicine. Stages of providing assistance to the wounded in military field conditions.
  • The procedure for providing emergency and urgent medical care to the injured and sick at the pre-hospital stage during war and emergency situations.
  • International experience in providing emergency and urgent assistance to refugees during war and emergency situations.
  • Analysis of the national legislation of Ukraine in the field of medical activity under martial law. Organization of emergency and urgent medical care in Ukraine.
  • Clinical aspects of providing emergency and urgent medical care in wartime conditions.
  • Innovative technologies in emergency and urgent care. Telemedicine.
  • Clinical protocols and algorithms for providing urgent and emergency care. Stages of medical triage of the wounded and injured during military operations and emergency situations.
  • Emergency conditions in various sectors of medicine (pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, surgery, dentistry, etc.).
  • Concept of paramedicine and prospects for its development in Ukraine.
  • Emergency situations in the practice of a primary care doctor.
  • Actual issues of anesthesiology and intensive care.

Forms of participation in the conference:

  • Report with presentation (7-12 minutes)
  • Listener (without reporting)
  • Publication of articles and theses in conference materials (electronic collection of materials in PDF format)
  • Publication of articles and theses in a foreign professional journal «Emergency Medical Service» Warsaw, Poland (MEiN, Index Сopernicus, Polish Medical Bibliography)

Each conference participant receives a personal electronic certificate (free of charge).

The certificate will indicate the number of continuous development points for each participant depending on the form of participation in the conference. For participants in non-medical specialties, the number of ECTS hours/credits will be indicated.

Official languages of the conference: Ukrainian, Polish, English.

Maksym Khorosh
email: ,

Ⓒ 2019 Aluna