For Authors

1. “Emergency Medical Service” is a quarterly Journal. Original studies, review papers as well as case reports are published.

2. The cost of publishing the manuscript is PLN 500 plus 23% VAT (for foreign authors: 100€). ALUNA Publishing House does not pay bank transfer costs

3. Only papers in English are accepted for publication. The editors can help in finding the right person for translation or proofreading.

4. Papers should be sent to the editor via the editorial panel (Editorial System), available on the journal’s website at In order to submit an article, free registration in the system is necessary. After registration, the author should follow the instructions on the computer screen.

5. All editorial work is under control and using the editorial panel. This applies in particular to sending manuscripts, correspondence between the editor and author and the review process. In special cases, the editor may agree to contact outside the panel, especially in case of technical problems.

6. Acceptable formats for individual elements of the article are as follows:

A) Content of the article – doc, docx, rtf, odt.

B) Tables – doc, docx, rtf, odt

C) Figures – JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG with a resolution of at least 300 dpi

D) Captions for figures and tables.

These elements are sent to the editor separately using the editorial panel. References and article metadata such as titles, keywords, abstracts etc. are supplemented by the author manually in the editorial panel in appropriate places.

7. The volume of original papers – including figures and references – must not exceed 21 600 characters (12 pages of typescript), and review papers – up to 28 800 characters (16 pages).

8. The original manuscript should have the following structure: Introduction, Aims, Material and methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions which cannot be a summary of the manuscript.

9. When using abbreviations, it is necessary to provide the full wording at the first time they are used. 

10. In experimental manuscripts in which studies on humans or animals have been carried out, as well as in clinical studies, information about obtaining the consent of the Ethics Committee should be included.

11. The Editorial Board follow the principles contained in the Helsinki Declaration as well as in the Interdisciplinary Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research, Testing and Education, published by the New York Academy of Sciences Ad Hoc Committee on Animal Research. All papers relating to animals or humans must comply with ethical principles set out by the Ethics Committee.

12. The abstract should contain 150-250 words. Abstracts of original, both clinical and experimental, papers should have the following structure: Aims, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions. Do not use abbreviations in the title or the abstract. The abstract is pasted or rewritten by the authors into the appropriate field in the application form in the editorial panel.

13. Keywords (3-5) should be given according to MeSH (Medical Subject Headings Index Medicus catalogs). Keywords cannot be a repetition of the title of the manuscript.

14. Illustrative material may be black and white or color photographs, clearly contrasting or drawings carefully made on a white background. With the exception of selected issues, the Journal is printed in shades of gray (black and white illustrations).

15. The content of the figures, if present (e.g. on the charts), should also be in English.

16. Links to all tables and figures (round brackets) as well as references (square brackets) the author must place in the text of the article.

17. Only references to which the author refers in the text should be included in the list of references ordered by citation. There should be no more than 30 items in original papers and no more than 40 items in review papers. Each item should contain: last names of all authors, first letters of first names, the title of the manuscript, the abbreviation of the journal title (according to Index Medicus), year, number, start and end page. For book items, please provide: author’s (authors’) last name, first letter of the first name, chapter title, book title, publisher, place and year of publication. It is allowed to cite websites with the URL and date of use of the article, and if possible the last names of the authors. Each literature item should have a reference in the text of the manuscript placed in square brackets, e.g. [1], [3-6]. Items should be organized in the Vancouver referencing style.

18. When submitting the article to the editor, the author encloses a statement that the work was not published or submitted for publication in another journal and that they take full responsibility for its content. The statement must provide any information that may indicate a conflict of interest, such as:

1. financial dependencies (employment, paid expertise, consulting, ownership of shares, fees),

2. personal dependencies,

3. academic and other competition that may affect the substantive side of the work,

4. sponsorship of all or part of the research at the stage of design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, or report writing.

19. The authors in the editorial panel define their contribution to the formation of scientific work according to the following key:

A – Work concept and design

B – Data collection and analysis

C – Responsibility for statistical analysis

D – Writing the article

E – Critical review

F – Final approval of the article.

20. In the editorial panel along with the affiliation, the author also gives her or his ORCID number.

21. The Journal is reviewed in double, blind review mode. The submitted papers are evaluated by two independent reviewers and then qualified for publishing by the Editor-in-Chief. Reviews are anonymous. The authors receive critical reviews with a request to correct the manuscript or with a decision not to qualify it for publishing. The procedure for reviewing articles is in line with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education contained in the paper “Good practices in review procedures in science” (Warsaw 2011). Detailed rules for dealing with improper publishing practices are in line with COPE guidelines. The publishing review rules are in the Review Rules section.

22. Each manuscript is subject to verification in the anti-plagiarism system.

23. Manuscripts are sent for the author’s approval. The author’s corrections should be sent within the time limit indicated in the system. No response within the given deadline is tantamount to the author’s acceptance of the submitted material. In special cases, it is possible to set dates individually.

24. Acceptance of the manuscript for publishing means the transfer of copyright to the Aluna Publishing House (Aluna Anna Łuczyńska, NIP 5251624918).

25. Articles published on-line and available in open access are published under Creative Common Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) allowing to download articles and share them with others as long as they credit the authors and the publisher, but without permission to change them in any way or use them commercially.

26. The authors receive a free PDF of the issue in which their mansucript is enclosed, and on request – a printed copy. The printed copy is sent to the address indicated by the authors as the correspondence address.

27. Manuscripts not concordant with the above instructions will be returned to be corrected.
28. The editors do not return papers which have not been commissioned.
29. The editors take no responsibility for the contents of the advertisements.

Ⓒ 2019 Aluna